YAPEAL Feature Roadmap

Roadmap updated:

With our latest update (will deployed soon :wink:) the identification is substantially improved and will deliver a next generation customer experience.

The development team currently is working on following topics:

  • Business Billing: Implementing the business price plans https://yapeal.ch/business_preise/.
  • Card expiration replacement: The first issued Yapeal cards are 3 years old and needs to be replaced. We will inform the affected user within the next few weeks.
  • Import QR Bills on mobile - Import directly QR Bills from your phone. ESR-Zeile oder QR-Code aus PDF auf gleichem Gerät auslesen
  • Abacus integration without DeepBox - Creating an alternative option to linkt Abacus system with Yapeal account without the need of a paid DeepBox subscription.
  • Constitution Account - Constitution accounts will be offered together with a partner. The goal is to constitute a new business fully digital.
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